Saturday, August 05, 2006

Worrying Mind

I have been working and worrying too much lately. Draining all my energy into work. I have been working from 8:00am - 9:00pm everyday last 2 weeks. I feel exhausted and need a break.

Thank God that today is the Sabbath day he prepared, I am able to relax myself to check email and blogging here.

Lately, I received negative review from my superior. So I try harder to do my work but it seem like I am burning myself and my work is still no good. One voice telling me to be more responsible in work; another voice ask me to take a break. I am confused. I think I need some time to think about it. Burn out is no fun. Anyway, I think I must be responsible for work and responsible to take care of myself to avoid burn out as well. It is all about balance. Let see what interesting will happen to me. Life is unexpectable. Let me try to forget yesterday, ignore tomorrow and focus on today. May be it will help.

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