Sunday, April 16, 2006

Shaking Mind

Sometimes, it is kind of boring life. I would like a break of my life but it is running like a sport car on the high way. I can't stop it. There are too many thing in my life to be done. I feel like dragging and enslaved by my life. On the other hand, I feel guilty sitting doing nothing. It is a dilemma in my mind. I do not know how to describe the feeling.

I like to shake my leg. This become a bad habit for me. My legs will shaken by itself without my conscious. Sometimes, I just kidding of myself this is going to exercising my legs to circulate my blood. However, when it shaking non-stop, I start to feel tired but tell you what, I can't stop it. It is shaking by itself. Can you imagine how horrible it is when you can't even control your own legs? It continue shaking, you know my mind and my soul are shaking too! My mind and soul are uneasy, it is very messy. My mind and soul are shaken. This is not kidding. Now I know why my parents told me shaking legs is a bad habit. I don't agree and don't understand until now. It is true. And I also understand why God says, "(Psalm 46:10) Be still, and know that I am God."

1 comment:

Hao Zhi said...

Thats y i always tell u not to shake ur legs... )