Sunday, September 25, 2005

Purpose Of Life

During my childhood, my purpose of life was playing and competing. I competed with my peers of all kinds of sport and academic. Because of less competitive in my hometown, I was always on top of the table. It brought some pleasure and praises to me as well as my parents. It is past and meaningless now. This last for eight years.

During my adolescence, my purpose of life became confuse. It is not too competitive. I was influenced by a lot of entertainment. A lot more people appeared in my life. I was not the top anymore, I was stuck in the middle of the table. It didn't really matter to me, what I remember now is tons of entertainment. This is another eight years.

During my early adulthood, my purpose of life became clear and concentrate. I was looking for a life partner. I did all sorts of stupid tricks for this. I really did it with all my heart, all my soul and all my strength. I got one. She introduces Jesus Christ to me. This is another five years.

Now, I have the choices of my purpose of life again. This time is different, there are two choices. The first one is favor by all the people around me. I called it treasure builder. It's function is simple enough, it is making as much money as you can. The second one is prohibited. I called it kingdom builder. It's function is a little bit complicated. It is building kingdom of God. I am doing multiple investment now, part-time treasure builder and part-time kingdom builder. I am having a hard time making this life long decision.

(Matthew 6:24) No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah, sometime i also feel life is meaningless. But i know God has a plan for me. A unique plan for everyone. Because He loves us.....