Sunday, June 26, 2005

Racing Game

I am a PC game addict before. I play game day and night. But now I don't. I want to support original software. As a programmer, I don't want people to steal intellectual property so I don't steal too. Eventually I end up cut off my PC gaming because original PC game is too expensive for me. Is this my story today? No. I bought a PC magazine recently. It comes with a playable racing game demo. I try it just now and like it very much.

To play racing game well, I learn to focus. A tiny error can ruin the race. Second, I learn to break. In the beginning, I accelerate from the beginning until the end. What happen is I cannot finish the race because I wreck my car. It is something apply to life, if whoever run a restless life will eventually collapse. Why not take a break and do nothing? Frankly, this is not my cup of coffee. I prefers working to limit, and stretch the limit then. The end result is quantity increase and quality decrease. This is a race, my car is out of way in every bend. People keep take over me every bend because I am out of way. The right way is “Press break and turn it nicely.!” Let take a break in our busy life and adjust it to the right way before it goes astray.

(Psamls 46:10) Be still, and know that I am God;

As a christian, I inteprets this verse as “Take a break; focus on God; Identify his purpose on me; Trust him to guide my life.”

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